The REAL Truth About Penis Size
You’ve heard the saying that penis size doesn’t matter. Well tell that to the average guy, it’s like a backhanded compliment or at the very least, very patronizing. BUT, have no fear, we’re going to tell you how to be your largest-safely and inexpensively.
They say, or at least what the sexologists say is that size doesn’t matter because any size penis can provide great pleasure for its owner. Hey guys, believe it or not, but 95 percent of penises are of average length and girth. There are few that are significantly larger or smaller. Ask women what they want in lovers, and they emphasize kindness, listening, sense of humor, and shared interests and values. Few mention penis size, unless explicity specified.
This is where reality and the porn world clash! Men often compare themselves to porn actors and automatically come to the conclusion that they’re much smaller. Maybe you’ve received junk emails for products that promise major size increases. And you believe that women want a big one because their pleasure depends on vaginal stretching.
There’s a running joke between men that ALL men have at one time in their life measured their penis. We admit to it. As a couple, we got the measuring tape out and methodicall measured every angle, and position possible to see where my (the husband speaking) how “big” I was. Guess what, I’m average, or as I like to say a little (no pun intended) above about 1/3 of an inch. Hey it’s a win, but honestly it’s not that important.
As you can see by actual experts, not porn stars and the internet, that the average size of a man’s penis is between 5.1 and 5.6 inches. So don’t beat yourself up too much.
One survey done on women and penis preferences show that, women are attracted to a penis that has proportionality and upkeep just as much, if not more than penis size or girth.
And for the smirking guys with massive penises….wipe that smirk off your face! Another survey done showed that women generally remembered penises being smaller than they actually were when asked about them later. So even if you’re hung like a horse, a woman’s memory will make it more like a hung like a pony.
Even after all that affirmation and fatcs, you still don’t care what the experts say, and you want to be gain as much penis real estate as possible. Here are a few tips that can easily be done.
Don’t buy enlargement products! They’re frauds. There is no pill, potion, or exercise regimen can make penises larger.
Don’t have surgery! Lengthening surgery cuts the ligament that makes erections stand up. You gain a little length, but erections no longer salute. They just hang between your legs and must be manually directed into erotic openings. Girth enhancement takes fat from the buttocks and injects it under the penis skin, often producing lumpy, deformed-looking penises. Surgery is also costly-$15,000 out of pocket.
Do you smoke? Well quit! Size depends on blood flow into the penis. Less blood, smaller penis. Smoking narrows the arteries, including those that carry blood into your penis, limiting inflow, which reduces size. Imagine if they put that on the side of a pack of cigarettes? Big tobacco would lose billions almost overnight.
Start exercising daily. Regular exercise coaxes more blood into the penis. You don’t need to be a gym rate, you can do anything you like: walking, running, swimming-anything that moves your body for 30 to 60 minutes a day.
Eat less meat and more fruits and vegetables, like your mom told you to do as a kid. A diet high in animal fat raises cholesterol, which narrows the arteries, limiting blood flow into the penis. Try a day or two a week without meat, cheese, or ice cream. And eat five to eight daily servings of fruits and vegetables. They contain antioxidants that help keep the arteries open.
Lose the pot belly. This will go hand in hand with a great diet and excercise. A big belly encroaches on the base of the penis, making it look smaller. Lose abdominal fat, and your penis looks larger. Don’t cheat by “lifting and tucking” your fat.
Do some manscaping! Trim that hairy man bush to accentuate your penis even more. You don’t have to go bare, but getting rid of those excess pubes can’t hurt, plus most women these days appreciate a little trim down there.
Still wanting to gain penis size after you’ve attempted all of the DIY methods. There are a few “tools” that you can use that will help your penis get larger.
Cock Rings. Flaccid or erect, blood circulates in and out of the penis. Rings tightly encircle erections. One of the veins that carries blood out runs close to the organ’s surface (on top). Rings compress this vein, reducing outflow. But don’t expect a pornstar penis, the effect a cock ring has effect is very modest and very temporary.
Penis pumps. Insert an Austin Power’s quote here. Penis pump models differ, but all include plastic tubes and squeeze-bulb pumps. Squeezing the bulb evacuates air from the tube, causing a partial vacuum that draws extra blood into the penis. Again, this isn’t permanent and the effects aren’t very measurable. Plus who wants to pump up their penis like a bike tire every time they want to have sex?
Guys, now that you know how to be all you can be, and hopefully gain every nanometer of size you can, we’re here to burst your bubble. Any size penis can bring its owner great pleasure. But the honest truth is the best way to give women erotic pleasure is to caress them without using your penis. You can do that with your fingers, tongue or even add some sex toys to the mix. You can see our collection of clitoral stimulating toys here. Use the code: FRISKY to save 25% on your order.
Only 25% of women are consistently orgasmic during vaginal intercourse no matter what the man’s size or how long he lasts, so having a huge penis that stretches the vagina doesn’t bring most women to orgasm.
The vast majority of women need direct, gentle, extended clitoral caressing by hand, tongue, or toy. Instead of being hung up on the size of your penis, understand that most women enjoy gentle, well-lubricated intercourse-but what makes them come is direct clitoral caresses. You can read more on how to perform amazing oral sex on your woman.
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Originally published at on October 13, 2020.